I'm now at girlfriend's MOM's house and it's not too bad, but her brothers are here and they're always here and there will only be more children here tonight. Children I love, of course, but children nonetheless! They don't appreciate a good silence or going to bed early. I went to bedat 7 last night shortly after writing my entry. I think I might have had too much to drink or something but I only had 1.5 drinks. I've definetly had more than that before. It was vodka, though. Holidays make me nervous and make me want to smoke more, too. I feel like I talk about substances on here a lot but I guess that's my life and I am an adult and what am I supposed to do.
I gotta wonder if anyone reads these things!
We spent today cleaning and that racist ass grandma gave me her pyrex so I take that as a net win, if you ask me. I swear people here don't eat food. It's like no meal but dinenr exists and I'm a hungry boyyyyyy.
Nothing like having to be away from home to make you horny, too. God, I wished I could just at least masturbate :(. I dont even know how I'd find an excuse to. I should've done it last night at her grandma's. Ok TMI over!! That's all for now. I may not have wifi, but I have a hot spot, and any reason to update the site.